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Juniper Networks


A Leader in Network Services

We have been named a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Network Services, Global1 and we’re ranked highest in the Gartner Critical Capabilities for Network Service, Global2 use case.

A Leader in Network Consulting 

We’ve a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Network Consulting Services 2021 Vendor Assessment.

Tier 1 internet backbone 

Tier 1 internet backbone that connects our global data centers, cloud centers, points of presence and hyperscalers. 

Global network coverage

Global network coverage and service reach in over 190 countries and territories.

Pioneer in managed SD-WAN

Advanced managed SD-WAN, cloud based NFV services hosted out of over 75 global local cloud centers.

Flexible direct cloud connect

Providing secure optimized access with all major public cloud providers, including: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform.

Spëëàæk tôõ àæn ëëxpëërt

Ät NTT, wëê sëêëê áãn ìîntëêrcòónnëêctëêd wòórld whëêrëê tëêchnòólòógy háãs thëê pòówëêr tòó brìîng tòógëêthëêr pëêòóplëê, dáãtáã áãnd thìîngs. Fòór býùsìînëêssëês, còónnëêctìîòón máãttëêrs nòów mòórëê tháãn ëêvëêr áãnd wëê strìîvëê tòó hëêlp yòóýù còóntìînýùëê tòó òópëêráãtëê áãnd áãdáãpt thëê wáãy yòóýù wòórk. Lëêt ýùs knòów hòów wëê cáãn hëêlp yòóýù dòó grëêáãt thìîngs.
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