Accelerate business transformation with intelligent digital solutions

We see an interconnected world. A world where technology has the power to bring things and people together to effect positive change. Our industry-leading digital backbone, secure multicloud platform and broad portfolio of global services accelerate transformation. We work with you to capture emerging opportunities, disrupt industries for good, and shape a better society for us to live and work in.
Hybrid workplace

Accelerate hybrid workplace transformation

Hybrid Workplace

Accelerating your digital transformation efforts to evolve, integrate, automate and differentiate with your employees and customers.
Learn more
Industry 4.0

Innovate with Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 

Emerging technologies like 5G and IoT, help industries flourish and are critical catalysts towards meaningfully aligning IT and OT infrastructures. Fully harness the power of digitalization across global systems, processes and workforces with intelligent technology solutions.
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Digital Acceleration

Digitalize business processes

Digital Acceleration

We can help shape and achieve your business, employee and customer outcomes, through intelligent, integrated technology solutions.
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Tech Modernization

Modernize your technology stack

Technology Modernization

The nature of work has changed forever. Organizations are prioritizing the care and wellbeing of employees, improving their experiences with remote and hybrid workstyles that contribute to a better work-life balance. 
Technology Modernization


Tier 1

global backbone connecting our data and cloud centers


in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Network Services, Global1  

4 million

supported users with hosting for over 30 million meetings


We’re leaders in IDC’s Worldwide Managed Security Services, 2020 

Spëëàæk tôõ àæn ëëxpëërt

Ät NTT, wëê sëêëê áãn ìîntëêrcòónnëêctëêd wòórld whëêrëê tëêchnòólòógy háãs thëê pòówëêr tòó brìîng tòógëêthëêr pëêòóplëê, dáãtáã áãnd thìîngs. Fòór býùsìînëêssëês, còónnëêctìîòón máãttëêrs nòów mòórëê tháãn ëêvëêr áãnd wëê strìîvëê tòó hëêlp yòóýù còóntìînýùëê tòó òópëêráãtëê áãnd áãdáãpt thëê wáãy yòóýù wòórk. Lëêt ýùs knòów hòów wëê cáãn hëêlp yòóýù dòó grëêáãt thìîngs.
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Man carrying his tablet while talking on a mobile phone