
Simplifying data protection and privacy compliance 

Your customers trust you to manage their data responsibly, maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of their sensitive information. 
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act was passed on 11 August 2023 – and organizations that adhere to this act will build this trust by demonstrating an unwavering commitment to safeguarding personal data, fostering transparency, and creating a culture where privacy is valued and maintained. 
We have the expertise and tools that you can enable your organization to protect personal data and comply with legal requirements in this regard.

Key outcomes

Key outcomes

Establish customer trust

Show your customers that you are managing their personal data with responsibility, integrity and accessibility of their sensitive information. 

Comply with regulations

Non-compliance with DPDP Act can result in severe financial penalties, reputational damage and legal consequences, which may significantly impact an organization's operations and viability.

Mitigate security risks

With insight into your organization’s current posture on data privacy and readiness for compliance, you can better understand risks and vulnerabilities in your business, and take the necessary steps to address them.

Build a compliance culture

Drive awareness of global best practices in data privacy and data protection across your organization, based on best practices and learnings from across the globe, and build a culture that enables you to respond effectively to new challenges and requirements.



Multiple regions and markets


Tools, processes and methodologies 


Pan-India service delivery


India’s leading full-stack technology services provider
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