
Simplified, dedicated, secure private connectivity with always-on support

Our Cloud Connectivity Services allows you to establish direct, private connections between leading public cloud services, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. Offered over fully secure, private cloud service environments, we deliver a consistent and optimized network experience.

Key outcomes

Guaranteed performance

Our stringent service level agreements ensure we deliver a consistent network performance in terms of throughput, latency and availability.

Enhanced security

Private connectivity secures your network traffic against malware, phishing and vulnerabilities. 

Ease of use

Order cloud connection in real time, upgrade or downgrade as needed over our client portal.


Our bandwidth ranges from 50Mbps to 10Gbps, enabling you to quickly select, upgrade or downgrade according to your business needs.  

Dedicated, secure connection

Our Internet Bandwidth Services provide secure point-to-point connectivity between our cloud and yours.

24/7 technical support

We provide always-on technical support to clients across their applications, infrastructure and network.  




Built-in, redundant, high-availability server and network resources

Lower risk

Secure, compliant cloud environment aligned to PCI DSS and ISO


Globally integrated service delivery model across 35 data centers 


Versatile connectivity supported by global reach and local presence

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