
Seamless connectivity, reliable bandwidth and robust infrastructure solutions to meet your business needs

Fuel your business with powerful enterprise connection solutions and extensive local experience and expertise, supported by global capabilities to overcome domestic network challenges.

We’ve built 10 carrier-neutral data centers and 5 cloud grids across India to deliver a seamless environment across your IT and network infrastructure. Support your enterprise connectivity, solve digital information challenges and achieve your business goals with our Enterprise Internet Services.   


Key outcomes


We reroute your critical connections in the event of a primary fiber failure, supporting business resiliency. 


With 10 local data centers and point-to-point connectivity services, we’ll support you with our robust infrastructure, and secure and stable connections. 


Ensure your enterprise remains operational, secure and productive with guaranteed bandwidth capabilities.


We customize our services and solutions to meet your specific business needs, supporting your growth and stability. 



Network, internet and data center capabilities ensure availability


Versatile connectivity supported by global reach & local presence


Our network capabilities deliver a competitive edge


Annual R&D investments ensure we deliver groundbreaking services

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