IT Infrastructure services that empower your customers and workforce

An intelligent infrastructure enables greater agility and flexibility, and helps you to empower your customers and workforce, meet governance and compliance requirements, and reduce risk.

Our IT Infrastructure Consulting Services offer solutions in cloud computing, connectivity, communications, data centers and security help organizations of any size, in any sector, to use technology effectively so they can do things better.

Wide Area Network icon

Wide Area Networks

Secure-by-design networking services that efficiently support and manage the most demanding high-performance software-defined hybrid environments.
Discover always-available connectivity
Cloud infrastructure icon

Cloud Infrastructure Services

Do more with technology with less investment. We deliver cloud hosting solutions, managed services, virtual servers, monitoring, backup and recovery, and more.

Learn about Cloud Infrastructure Services
Network Security Services icon

Network Security Services

Secure, reliable infrastructure that protects against cyberattacks through robust security measures like firewalls, encryption, detection and prevention systems, and more.

Secure your network infrastructure
Communications and Messaging icon

Communications and Messaging

Go beyond simple connections with communication tools that support effective employee collaboration and customer engagement.

Enable effective communications and messaging
MEA Data Centers icon

MEA Data Centers

Fast, reliable connectivity and services for your local data center needs, with telco-neutral collocation hosting that supports your business strategy.

Learn about MEA Data Centers
Carrier Services icon

Carrier Services

From global satellite connectivity to high-speed, low-latency connectivity over fiber-optic or an ethernet network, we provide the speed, security, reach and reliability you need.

Find the right carrier services



points of presence across EMEA and Asia


data centers across Africa

Last mile & VSAT

One of the largest aggregators in Africa


carrier service providers – widest range in Africa

Wir sind da, um zu helfen!

Wir arbeiten mit Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt zusammen, um Ergebnisse durch intelligente Technologielösungen zu definieren und zu erzielen.

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Gartner Magic Quadrant for Global WAN Services

Analysten: Danellie Young, Gaspar Valdivia, Karen Brown, Lisa Pierce. 15. April 2024

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GARTNER ist eine eingetragene Marke und Dienstleistungsmarke von Gartner, Inc. und/oder seinen verbundenen Unternehmen in den USA und international. MAGIC QUADRANT ist eine eingetragene Marke von Gartner, Inc. und/oder seinen verbundenen Unternehmen und wird hier mit Genehmigung verwendet. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. 


In April 2024, Dimension Data was rebranded as NTT DATA.

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