2021 Global Managed Services Report:
Helping you thrive through change
There’s a new breed of organization, the bold and brave, who view the pandemic as a chance to take advantage of market opportunities and to scale. Our latest report reveals that the #1 business driver for CEOs in the coming 18 months (outside of COVID-19) is improving agility and the business ability to respond to change. Organizations’ demand for unprecedented agility has accelerated, and adaptable technology services have become ever more important in meeting this.
Our experts discuss the findings and how organizations can seize the opportunities presented by these trends to help them thrive through change, and be brave, bold and resilient.
Explore the data-driven insights
As global organizations seek to strengthen resilience, the research highlights significant differences in approach. While some consider cost optimization as a way of creating greater resilience, others are focused on being bold and brave. They view the pandemic as a chance to take advantage of market opportunities and to scale, with 33.8% pivoting technology focus to achieve this.
How we deliver your business outcomes
Becoming an agile, adaptive and resilient organization takes time and resource, not to mention a healthy dose of bravery to invest in future requirements while meeting present needs. Many organizations realize that to ensure they continue to meet customer and employee needs – they need to utilize the skill and proven experience of service providers. With that in mind, we believe there are five core capabilities critical towards achieving this success, coupled with a service provider who has the depth and breadth across all mentioned capabilities to ensure you firmly lead.