Terms and conditions

Global Procurement

Here you will find general terms and conditions for the supply of products or services by a supplier to NTT DATA.

  1. General Procurement Terms and Conditions
  2. Vendor Data Processing Agreement
  3. NTT Ltd. Supplier Trade Compliance Terms


  1. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) terms of service
  2. Service level terms
  3. Acceptable use policy
  4. Third-party software terms and third-party terms
  5. OpSource cloud terms of services (If you signed up for Cloud Services at the opsource.net website prior to November 12, 2013, these terms govern your use.)
  6. Rate card



  • Uptime® Hardware Maintenance

    These are the terms and conditions for NTT’s Uptime® hardware maintenance service applicable to contracts entered into before 11 July 2017

  • Uptime® v4 Hardware Maintenance

    These are the terms and conditions for NTT’s Uptime® v4 hardware maintenance service applicable to contracts entered on and after 11 July 2017.
Uptime® Special Conditions

These are the special conditions for NTT’s Uptime® hardware maintenance service that will apply to certain products or brands of product:

Uptime® Optional Support Services

This document sets out the scope of optional support services and the terms and conditions under which they are supplied

Uptime® – Standard Service Desk Integration – Special Conditions

These are the special conditions for NTT’s Uptime® hardware maintenance service that will apply to the Service Desk Integration option

Uptime® – IT Support Assessment – Special Conditions

These are the special conditions for NTT’s Uptime® hardware maintenance service that will apply to the Support Assessment option

Uptime® Version 4 Proactive Support Services: Optional Service Elements

These documents set out the details for each of the Proactive Support Services which have been selected for inclusion in the Service.

Uptime® Version 4 Service Entitlements

This document sets out, effective 9 October 2017, a list of the Uptime Version® 3 to Version 4 entitlement mapping and code conventions for Uptime® Service Levels.

Uptime®  Technology Lifecycle Management Services Appendix

This document sets out the scope and terms for the  TLMA option.


Managed Services
  • This applies to all Managed Service Agreements which relate to any MSxx service. It will be necessary for all clients to execute a formal contract for any of these services before the services commence. If you have not received a draft contract, please contact your NTT account manager.
  • Voice services Acceptable Use Policy

    This is the Acceptable Use Policy that applies to the provision of Voice Services.      
  • Mid-Market Managed Service Master Agreement

    These are the terms and conditions that apply in relation to the Private Cloud Data Centre, Co-Location Data Centre, SD Wan, or Network service offerings.




NTT Austria GmbH
  1. AGB Geschäftsbedingungen für Serviceleistungen   |   Terms and Conditions for Services
  2. AGB Installationsbedingungen   |   Terms and Conditions Installation
  3. Einkaufsbedingungen   |   Terms and Conditions for Purchase
  4. FEEI Allgemeine Lieferbedingungen   |   FEEI Delivery Terms and Conditions
  5. FEEI Allgemeine Softwarebedingungen   |   FEEI Software Terms and Conditions


NTT Belgium NV
  1. Algemene voorwaarden   |   General Terms and Conditions  |  Conditions Générales de Vente


Czech Republic

NTT Czech Republic s.r.o.

  1. NTT eStore Obchodní podmínky   |   NTT eStore Terms and Conditions
  2. Prohlášení o ochraně osobních údajů
  3. Všeobecné obchodní podmínky pro dodávky zařízení a související služby (projekty)   |   General terms and conditions for deliveries of equipment and related services (projects)
  4. Všeobecné obchodní podmínky pro poskytování servisních služeb   |   General terms and conditions for the Provision of Services
  5. Všeobecné obchodní podmínky pro prodej zboží   |   General Terms and Conditions for the Sale of Goods
  6. Oznámení o vnitřním oznamovacím systému   |   Notice on internal reporting system


NTT France SAS

  1. General Terms and Conditions of Sale I Conditions Generales De Vente


NTT Germany AG & Co. KG

  1. Allgemeine Annahmen und Ausschlüsse für Installationsleistungen
  2. Allgemeine Bedingungen für eine Datenverarbeitung im Auftrag
  3. Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen für den Einkauf   |   General Terms and Conditions of Purchase
  4. Allgemeine Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen   |   General terms of sale & delivery
  5. Cookie policy NTT DATA eStore
  6. Datenschutzhinweise NTT DATA eStore   |   Privacy statement for NTT DATA eStore
  7. General terms and conditions for the recurrent provision of services
  8. Geschäftsbedingungen für Service an Kommunikations- und Datensystemen sowie an sonstigen Systemen
  9. Geschäftsbedingungen für Serviceauftrag   |   General terms and conditions for the provision of services
  10. Nutzungsbedingungen NTT DATA eStore   |   Terms and conditions for use of NTT DATA eStore
  11. NTT DATA eStore Löschung eines accounts
  12. Überlassungsbedingungen für Software (auf Zeit)   |   End User Licence Agreement for Software Subscription
  13. Überlassungsbedingungen für Software (Einmalvergütung)   |   End User Licence Agreement for Software (Perpetual)


NTT Italia S.p.A.
  1. Condizioni Generali di vendita e fornitura di servizi e prodotti | General Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Services and Products
  2. Gestione dei Cookie eStore | Cookie policy eStore
  3. Informativa sulla privacy per NTT eStore | Privacy statement for NTT eStore
  4. Termini e condizioni per l'utilizzo di NTT eStore | Terms and conditions for use of NTT eStore
  5. NTT Italia SpA Carta dei Servizi | NTT Italia SpA Service Charter


NTT Luxembourg PSF S.A
  1. eStore Terms and Conditions NTT Luxembourg
  2. General Terms and conditions: Uptime Services
  3. General terms and conditions


NTT Netherlands BV

  1. General Terms and conditions
  2. Privacy Statement e-Store
  3. Terms of Use e-Store


NTT Poland SP. Z O.O.
  1. Ogólne Warunki Sprzedaży_General Terms and Conditions
  2. NTT Poland_Klauzula informacyjna
  3. NTT Poland_Polityka ochrony danych osobowych
  4. NTT Poland_Polityka przetwarzania danych osobowych
  5. NTT Poland_Dodatek outsourcingowy_Klient
  6. NTT Poland_ Outsourcing Supplement_Client
  7. NTT Poland_Dodatek outsourcingowy_Vendor
  8. NTT Poland_ Outsourcing Supplement_Vendor


NTT Spain Intelligent Technologies and Services S.L.U.

  1. General Terms and Conditions of Sale
  2. Términos y Condiciones de Uptime


NTT Switzerland SA.

  1. NTT Switzerland SA Standard Terms and Conditions (English)

  2. Modalits et Conditions Gnrales de NTT Switzerland SA (French)

  3. Allgemeine Geschftsbedingungen von NTT Switzerland SA (German)

United Kingdom

NTT United Kingdom Limited
  1. NTT UK Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale